
Tacpac Trainings at BLENNZ in Auckland

As some of you know, Hilary will be coming to New Zealand next week to do Tacpac training in sensory alignment on the 12th and 13th of March 2018. Hilary will be meeting many of our Auckland Tacpac community members, and welcoming many more during the trainings which are being run at BLENZZ – Homai campus.


The Blind and Low vision Education Network, New Zealand (BLENNZ) was founded in 2005. It  was formed from the Resource Teachers Vision, the Visual and Sensory Resource Centres and the Homai National School for the Blind and Vision Impaired. BLENNZ aims to enable those who are visually impaired to reach their full potential. It has its own curriculum as well as visual resource centres and teachers.  BLENZZ and Sue Arrojado have been very active Tacpackers for many years, building up a good community of local support. Thanks to Sue, and all our members. We look forward to meeting you in person!

Tacpac Training

Tacpac will be doing both an Essentials training day on the 12th March and an Advanced training day on the 13th March. Both course days are tremendously rewarding and fun as you meet fellow Tackpackers all with their own stories and experiences to share. If you have recently started using Tacpac and would like to learn more about how and why Tacpac works, you can register your interest here.

If you would like to find out more about Tacpac, you can read the articles, here. Or contact us here.

If you would like to purchase a Tacpac subscription, have a look at our shop page.