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I found the training very useful it showed us where we were going wrong.

Teacher, Online Delegate

An excellent Tacpac training today and lead in a very professional manner.

Teacher, Online Delegate

I thoroughly enjoyed the course from start to end.  Would recommend it to everyone

Teacher, Online Delegate

Really good to see examples of how to properly use the props in time to the music.

Teacher, Online Delegate

It was a very useful and well-explained training. Very clear and we maintain the focus on the main points

Teacher, Online Delegate

Brilliant. Didn’t know the true benefits of it and the proper way of doing it.

Teacher, Online Delegate

Very informative and fun. All information was given in a clear an understanding way

Teacher, Online Delegate

Really enjoyed course a lot of information about TacPac the way it helps children

Teacher, Online Delegate

Thoroughly enjoyed todays TacPac training. Was well presented and very informative

Teacher, Online Delegate

Came away with a much greater understanding and the benefits of Tacpac.

Teacher, Online Delegate
I have been working with children with special needs for the past seven years. I have been amazed at the transformation in children who have been exposed to Tacpac. As there are no trainers that I know of in the Perth area, I am interested in becoming a trainer to enable more children to reap the benefits of this wonderful program.
SEN teacher
Hilary, You have given much joy to many with your creation of Tacpac. You really have made a difference to the lives of many children and their families.
Sue Murray,BLENNZ School, New Zealand
The course was amazing and Hilary inspiring. Thank you Hilary.
Jo Crean
Thanks so much for letting us use Set 5 during lockdown. We both absolutely love the sessions.  It’s a great way to spend quality, meaningful time together. Even over just 3 months I have seen a massive improvement in my daughter’s anticipation, communication and emotional attachment. We will definitely carry on with Tacpac in the future – it’s one of the best parts of the day.
Thanks so much for letting us use Set 5 during lockdown. We both absolutely love the sessions.  It’s a great way to spend quality, meaningful time together. Even over just 3 months I have seen a massive improvement in my daughter’s anticipation, communication and emotional attachment. We will definitely carry on with Tacpac in the future – it’s one of the best parts of the day.

I really enjoyed it. It was so interesting to hear about the limbic system and even though I’ve been using TACPAC I certainly haven’t been using it quite right to it’s great that I can refine it! I would have loved to have heard about consent within it – it was suggested but not talked about specifically and I think it’s something people don’t always consider when it comes to people with special needs.

Online Training Delegate

I feel the course delivers a broad range of golden nuggets which I will use in my practice.

Unity Speakman, Brookfields Special School

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