TACPAC for Teachers

TACPAC draws together touch and music to create a structured half hour of sensory communication. Easy to plan with your Sensory Curriculum.

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Benefits of using TACPAC in school

TACPAC can be used with a whole class, or with one or two pupils individually. It can be used in any environment – classroom or even outdoors; anywhere that is relatively free from clutter and sensory distractions. TACPAC can be used to create sensory stories which are relevant to the term topic or time of the year. It can also be used to measure progress over time on any of the normal assessment tools and it can be integrated into many different parts of the curriculum. When used regularly, TACPAC helps children to interact with those around them as they build a bond of trust with their TACPAC partner. Anyone can do TACPAC with anyone else, be they a teacher, a SENCO, a physiotherapist, or even another student. When TACPAC is scheduled at the same time each week, the pupils learn to anticipate the session which increases the overall benefit of the communication during ‘TACPAC time’.


Easy to use

TACPAC requires very little equipment to set up. You’ll need a few everyday objects such as sponges, chopsticks, paper fans or paint rollers. You’ll also need to buy a downloadable Tacpac set on our shop page here. Once you’ve paid for your set, you’re ready to go. Simply open up the app on your tablet or log in on your computer and start playing the music! There is advice on how to set up your room and instruction videos on how to do each activity included in your set. These are available when you log in with the website on a computer. The app on a phone or tablet lets you play the music tracks without an internet connection.

From Primary to Secondary

Pupils who have been using TACPAC in primary school can take it through to secondary school with them. It is a calming and familiar activity in the new environment and can help them to adjust to the new surroundings. TACPAC can also be taken through from secondary school to home care or adult services.


TACPAC training teaches you all about how and why TACPAC works; what the best practice is; how to create a sensory story and integrate TACPAC into the curriculum. It also gives you hands on practice and a chance to ask all of your questions. To find out more or book your place on a training, go to the training page here.

How do I plan for TACPAC and the curriculum?

If you are using P scales, B Squared, Routes for Learning or any other assessment tool, you will find that TACPAC overlaps completely with any target or outcomes on your assessment tool. Planning therefore becomes obvious and easy. Enjoy it!

How do I introduce TACPAC to my colleagues

If you have already been on our Essential training day and would like to introduce TACPAC to your colleagues, we always recommend you host a training day. This way, you leave everything up to us and your colleagues have a really enjoyable day learning about TACPAC.

If you are new to TACPAC, we would love to see you at one of our Day 1 Essential trainings.

We will always be there to support you in your start up sessions and beyond.

Sensory Curriculum

TACPAC is a user-friendly, accessible resource to use in conjunction with your pupils’ sensory curriculum.

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